Yahoo Mail automatically places questionable incoming e-mails in your Spam folder. Usually spam advertises unwanted goods or services. Yahoo Mail defines spam as any message sent to more than one person who didn't specifically request it. Add whatever information you want, click "Save" and the person is added to your contacts. A window will show the person's name and e-mail address. To add a contact from e-mail, click "Add Contact" next to the sender's name in an open e-mail message. Click the one you want, and the correct address will be filled in. When you're composing a message, type just the first couple of letters of the person's name after "To:" to access possible names. Enter the information, and click "Save." To add information later, click twice on the contact's name or click "Edit." Once you've added a name, you can use Address AutoComplete in sending messages. To add contacts and their information, click on "Add" next to the Contacts icon. You can also access that information to send single or group e-mails or to add to contacts from e-mails. You can store all of your contact information about people and companies - and access it anywhere via the Web or print it out. This will open the email and now you have to go to More>Print.Yahoo Contacts work like an address book Save Changeswith more functions. Step 1: Login into your Yahoo email and double-click on-target email message. Here are the steps to archive Yahoo account messages in portable documents easily: Stepwise Guide to Convert Yahoo Email to PDF Manually